Packaging Size | 100, 250 Gram |
Brand | Taracon |
Technical Name | Thiamethoxam 25% WDG |
Packaging Type | HDPE Bottle |
Chemical Group | Standard |
Formulation | Standard |
Chemical Formula | Standard |
Country of Origin | Made in India |
Thiamethoxam 25 % WG is broad spectrum systemic insecticidehaving quick stomach and contact action and is recommanded forits use to control Stem Borer, Gall Midge, Leaf Folder, Brown planthopper, (BPH), White Backed Plant Hopper (WBPH), Green LeafHopper (GLH), Thrips on Rice; jassids, aphids and whiteflies incotton; hoppers in mango; aphids in Wheat; aphids in Mustard;Whiteflies in Tomato; Whiteflies, Jassids in Brinjal; mosquito bug inTea & aphids in Potato, Psylla in citrus, Aphid in Cumin and GLHthrips , shorl maggat in Rice (Nursary), white flies in Tomato (soildrenching).
Packaging Size | 100, 250 Gram |
Brand | Taracon |
Technical Name | Thiamethoxam 25% WDG |
Packaging Type | HDPE Bottle |
Chemical Group | Standard |
Formulation | Standard |
Chemical Formula | Standard |
Country of Origin | Made in India |
Thiamethoxam 25 % WG is broad spectrum systemic insecticidehaving quick stomach and contact action and is recommanded forits use to control Stem Borer, Gall Midge, Leaf Folder, Brown planthopper, (BPH), White Backed Plant Hopper (WBPH), Green LeafHopper (GLH), Thrips on Rice; jassids, aphids and whiteflies incotton; hoppers in mango; aphids in Wheat; aphids in Mustard;Whiteflies in Tomato; Whiteflies, Jassids in Brinjal; mosquito bug inTea & aphids in Potato, Psylla in citrus, Aphid in Cumin and GLHthrips , shorl maggat in Rice (Nursary), white flies in Tomato (soildrenching).